Answering Common Questions About Professional Carpet Cleaning

If you have carpets in your home, you know that you must vacuum them regularly to keep them clean and odor-free. However, there is another carpet care step to keep in mind if you want to keep your carpeting looking great for years to come— professional carpet cleaning. Continue reading to learn the answer to some common questions about professional carpet cleaning in Tampa.
What Are the Benefits?
If your carpets still appear to be in good condition, you may be wondering what benefits professional carpet cleaning can offer you. While vacuuming and spot-cleaning are important for your carpets, they are not enough to keep them in ideal condition. Professional carpet cleaning removes ground-in dirt and debris, helping to restore your carpeting to its original condition. Additionally, scheduling regular carpet cleaning services can help prevent odors from building up in your carpeting over time.
When Do I Need It?
In general, homeowners should schedule professional carpet cleanings once each year. If your family includes young children or pets, having your carpets cleaned every 6 months will ensure they stay sanitized, comfortable, and visually appealing. The ideal time for cleaning will depend on your family’s schedule and lifestyle—if you have large family gatherings during the winter holidays each year, having your carpets cleaned in the late fall will ensure that your home looks its best when your company arrives. On the other hand, scheduling an annual cleaning as part of your spring cleaning regimen can help your home feel fresh and new throughout the year.
How Long Does It Take?
The amount of time it takes to perform carpet cleaning will depend on the specific cleaning services you choose and the amount of carpeting you have in your home. In general, it takes a few hours to clean an average home, and the carpets should be allowed to dry completely. You may be able to shorten the cleaning time by moving large furniture off of your carpeting before your carpet cleaners arrive. Be sure to ask your carpet cleaning company for specific information about the amount of time you should allow for cleaning and what steps you should take to ensure the process goes smoothly.